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gst-plugins0.10-jpeg Open source multimedia framework - jpeg plugin
gst-plugins0.10-png Open source multimedia framework - png plugin
gst-plugins1-cairo Open source multimedia framework - cairo plugin
gst-plugins1-jpeg Open source multimedia framework - jpeg plugin
gst-plugins1-png Open source multimedia framework - png plugin
gthumb Image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop
gthumb3 Image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop
gtkam Digital camera access graphical client (GTK2)
gtkglext OpenGL extension to GTK
gtkimageview Image viewer widget for GTK
gtksee Gtk-based image viewing and cataloging program
gts GNU Triangulated Surface Library
guetzli JPEG encoder with great compression at high quality
guile-cairo Guile wrapper for cairo
GUIlib Very simple GUI framework library
gwenview KDE image viewer
gwenview-i18n-kde3 Translations for gwenview image viewer
gwenview-kde3 Image viewer for KDE whose aims are ease of use and speed
h5utils Utilities for conversion from/to HDF5
hermes Library for conversion of pixel graphics
hicolor-icon-theme Standard icon theme called hicolor
hp2xx HPGL converter and previewer
hugin Panorama photo stitcher
icon-naming-utils Adapts GNOME and KDE icon names to the Icon Naming Specification
iGMT Interactive Mapping of Geoscientific Datasets
ilmbase High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format library and tools
ImageMagick Package for display and interactive manipulation of images
ImageMagick6 Package for display and interactive manipulation of images
ImageViewer GNUstep image display application
imlib Image manipulation library for X11
imlib-gtk Image manipulation library for X11 (gtk bits)
imlib2 Image manipulation library
impress WYSIWYG vector graphics application
inkscape Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
ivtools Drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and web graphics
jasper Software-based reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 codec
jbig2dec JBIG2 decoder library
jbigkit JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
jhead Extract EXIF header from JPEG image
jpeg IJG's jpeg compression utilities
jpeg_ls JPEG-LS codec (lossless/near-lossless codec)
jpeg2ps Convert jpeg images to PostScript level 2 or 3
jpeginfo Generates informative listings from JPEG files
jpegoptim JPEG optimizer
jpegpixi Low-loss JPEG interpolator to remove bad pixels
jpegquality Print quantization tables of a JPEG file
jxrlib JPEG XR library
kamera KDE digital camera manager
kbarcode KDE barcode and label printing application
kcolorchooser KDE color chooser
kde-base-artwork KDE KSplash theme
kdegraphics-mobipocket Library to support mobipocket ebooks
kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer Graphics file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search
kdegraphics-thumbnailers Graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE
kdegraphics3 Graphics programs for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kgamma KDE screen gamma values kcontrol module
kiconthemes Support for icon themes
kimageformats Image format plugins for Qt5
kipi-plugins Common plugin structure for KDE4 programs
kipi-plugins-calendar-kde3 Kipi calendar plugin (KDE3)
kipi-plugins-kde3 Kipi (KDE Image Plugin Interface) plugins (KDE3)
kolourpaint KDE paint program
koverartist CD/DVD case designer
kphotoalbum Image organizer
kphotobook Powerful, intuitive KDE application to manage and organize your photos
kphotools KDE app which helps you creating fast online photo galleries in HTML
kplotting Lightweight plotting framework
kqtquickcharts4 Beautiful and interactive charts for Qt Quick 1.0
kruler KDE screen ruler
ksaneplugin SANE Plugin for KDE
ksnapshot KDE screen capture program
lasem Lasem is a library for rendering SVG and Mathml
lcms Little Color Management System -- a color management library
lcms2 Little Color Management System - a color management library
lensfun Library for rectifying defects introduced by photographic equipment
lepton Lossless compression/decompression for JPEG images
leptonica Software for image processing and image analysis applications
lib3ds 3D Studio File Format Library
libart High-performance 2D graphics library
libbpg Better Portable Graphics image format library
libcaca Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, in colour
libepoxy Library for OpenGL function pointer management
libexif EXIF file library
libexif-gtk EXIF file library (GTK2 interface)
libfpx Library for reading and writing FlashPix images
libgdiplus Implementation of the GDI+ API
libggi General Graphics Interface library is a flexible drawing library
libggigcp Color management extension for GGI
libggimisc Miscellaneous graphics target features for GGI
libggiwmh Windows Manager hints library for GGI
libgii General Input Interface - API for all possible input sources
libgiigic General Input Configurator for GGI
libgltf Rendering library for glTF
libgnomecanvas GNOME Canvas library
libgnomecanvasmm C++ bindings for libgnomecanvas
libimagequant High-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color
libiptcdata Library to parse IPTC metadata
libjpeg-turbo Accelerated libjpeg with SIMD instructions
libkdcraw KDE digital camera raw image library wrapper
libkdcraw-kde3 C++ interface around dcraw